Sunday, 30 May 2010

Jesus can wait... right?

The wife's asked if she can add a new dimension to this blog... occasionally chipping in with observations, quotes and maybe the odd recipe... but only ones that really work, not those really complicated ones that involve things like 'sweated pak choi' or a 'fricassé of three live geese and a small pineapple'...

Of course I said 'yes'... after all, she's the cornerstone of this bit of earthly life that I call 'home'... and celebrating with her is just as (more) important as anything else that I might write about on here. So, here's the first. Perhaps not quite what you might expect... but real life... and possibly more profound than you think at first glance...

Over to her:

... and I quote M - [on death]

"it's not that I'm scared of dying... I'm not... and I'm sure heaven's nice, or wherever it's going to be once God remakes the world... it's just that if dying means going to be with Jesus... and if I die now, or I die in 50 years time it's still going to be with Jesus... then Jesus can wait... right?"


  1. So the wife gets her own post and her own label...

    You are truly a generous man Mome.

    I am not going to say what the terms "sweated pak choi" mentally conjure up.

  2. Jesus may be able to wait for a life lived to the full.

    Sadly I'm not sure He can wait long enough for a Baptist church membership decision making process...

    Which makes two of us
